Friday, 19 December 2008

Class 6 - Short Film Production

Im not going to post every class 6 week here as, the entire class/term was about the animation and development of my short film. There was no real animation techniques to learn. The entire term was a collective of videos ranging from light and colour use in your short film, polishing your animation, the use of sound and finally talks preparing you for the industry and making a showreel.

As of 2009 the Animation Mentor course will be changing Class's 5 and 6 (short film). I believe the changes will be more focus on polishing the animation.

For Class 6 i had Morgan Kelly who is currently a Dreamworks Animator and worked on a host of films Shrek 2, Madagascar, Bee Movie, Over the hedge and currently Monsters vs Aliens.

*Video to come*

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